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Digital Humanities

A Wenzhou-Kean University 2018 Student Partnering with Staff (SpS) Research Program Project, A Pathway to Digital Humanities, seeks both to gauge and stimulate interest in digital humanities.

What is Locative Investigation and Thick Mapping ?

Previously, scholars made pilgrimage of access and use artifacts or rare book where the seminar room or the lecture hall was the primary site for the transmission of knowledge. Today, the boundaries of the library, the archive, and the classroom have become more porous, interconnected, and globally extensible. The traditional learning space of the classroom has been rethought in ways that promote interactivity, discovery, and co-creation. As the contours of scholarship are undergoing a fundamental remapping through collaborations in which researchers can curate, narrate, annotate, and augment physical landscapes, the boundaries of inside and outside have become fluid.

This attention to place has resulted in the emergence of a significant sub-field of the Digital Humanities variously called "Digital Cultural Mapping" or "Spatial Humanities." It is here that geographic analysis, digital mapping platforms, and interpretive historical practices come together to form richly textured, multidimensional investigations of a place. Thick mapping thus enables an unbounded multiplicity of participatory modes of storytelling and counter-mapping in which users create and delve into cumulative layers of site-specific meanings.

SOURCE: Burdick, A., Drucker, J., Lunenfeld, P., Pressner, T., & Schnapp, J. (2012). Digital Humanities. Cambridge, MA: Massachuetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved from

Videos on Locative Investigation & Thick Mapping

Books on Locative Investigation & Thick Mapping

Critical Digital Humanities

Electronic Resource 2019

Digital Humanities

Electronic Resource 2012

The Spatial Humanities

Electronic Resource 2010