Are you searching for a business case study? Do you need an up-to-date company profile for Google or Microsoft? Or, would you like to read the latest news on the economy? The ABI/INFORM Collection database is an excellent starting point!
ABI/INFORM Collection is comprised of three ProQuest databases: ABI/INFORM Dateline, ABI/INFORM Global, and ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry. This database provides access to thousands of full-text articles from scholarly journals, trade publications, and newspapers. You can also find dissertations, conference proceedings, working papers, and market reports. The coverage is comprehensive, delivering access to local, regional, national, and international business publications.
This database provides several ways to locate information. In addition to the Basic Search, the Advanced Search option gives you a variety of choices for customizing your results. You can look up Companies/Organizations, NAICS (North American Industry Classification System codes), Locations, People, Classification Codes, or Product Names.
The Browse option delivers an assortment of resources including Industry and Market Reports, Commodity Reports, Country Reports, ProQuest Business Dissertations and Theses, and Topic Paths. Topic Paths provide a list of business topics with the accompanying search results.
The Publications option directs you to the index of publications available in the database, with coverage dating back to 1855. This index is searchable by title or subject.
If you have questions about the ABI/INFORM Collection database or any of the Kean University Library's other research databases, please consult Ask a Librarian for assistance.
C. Pitts, November 1, 2016
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ABI/INFORM Collection User Guide
Click here to access the ABI/INFORM Collection user guide produced by ProQuest.