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Digital Humanities

A Wenzhou-Kean University 2018 Student Partnering with Staff (SpS) Research Program Project, A Pathway to Digital Humanities, seeks both to gauge and stimulate interest in digital humanities.

What is Ubiquitous Scholarship in Digital Humanities?

Ubiquitous Computing is done anywhere at anytime and made possible by high-speed networks that are expected to be on and available all the time. In spite of the fear that individuals have of tracking or the inability to opt out, the broad availability of public and commercial networking allows for the expansion of scholarly activities, including collaboration and interconnection of people, institutions, and communities of research and learning practice. We call this Ubiquitous Scholarship. How does Ubiquitous Scholarship affect our sense of self?

SOURCE: Burdick, A., Drucker, J., Lunenfeld, P., Pressner, T., & Schnapp, J. (2012). Digital Humanities. Cambridge, MA: Massachuetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved from

What Is Digital Scholarship?

Ubiquitous Computing Leads to Ubiquitous Scholarship

WKU Books on Ubiquitous Scholarship

Divining a Digital Future

A sociotechnical investigation of ubiquitous computing as a research enterprise and as a lived reality. Ubiquitous computing (or ubicomp) is the label for a "third wave" of computing technologies.

Scholarship in the Digital Age

An exploration of the technical, social, legal, and economic aspects of the scholarly infrastructure needed to support research activities in all fields in the twenty-first century.Scholars in all fields now have access to an unprecedented wealth of online information, tools, and services. The Internet lies at the core of an information infrastructure for distributed, data-intensive, and collaborative research.

Remaking the News

Leading scholars chart the future of studies on technology and journalism in the digital age.The use of digital technology has transformed the way news is produced, distributed, and received. Just as media organizations and journalists have realized that technology is a central and indispensable part of their enterprise, scholars of journalism have shifted their focus to the role of technology. In Remaking the News, leading scholars chart the future of studies on technology and journalism in the digital age.