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Digital Humanities

A Wenzhou-Kean University 2018 Student Partnering with Staff (SpS) Research Program Project, A Pathway to Digital Humanities, seeks both to gauge and stimulate interest in digital humanities.

What is Code, Software, and Platform Studies ?

Code studies, along with the related study of software and platforms, bring humanistic close-reading practices into dialogue with computational methods. The operations of computational media are created through the interaction of hardware and software. There work according to protocols structured into their organization as code. Scholars fascinated by the encoded protocols and instructions that constitute the language software also look at the cultural contexts in which business, defense, or communications industries fueled the development of increasingly sophisticated approaches to encoding.

SOURCE: Burdick, A., Drucker, J., Lunenfeld, P., Pressner, T., & Schnapp, J. (2012). Digital Humanities. Cambridge, MA: Massachuetts Institute of Technology. Retrieved from

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