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Evidence-Based Practice

A general look into the topic of Evidence-Based Practice, PICO/PICOT, and Levels of Evidence.


"Systematic reviews help to generate the best available external evidence by searching the literature systematically to answer a clinically relevant clearly defined review question...The basic steps in conducting a systematic reviews are as follows: (i) defining the review question, (ii) defining the inclusion and exclusion criteria, (iii) systematic literature search, (iv) selection of the studies based on the previous inclusion and exclusion criteria, (v) assessment of the quality of the included studies, (vi) extraction of data from the included studies, (vii) summarizing the evidence, and (viii) discussing the review findings and drawing conclusion.9 Finally, the systematic review needs to be presented in a way that editors accept it for publication."

Source: Dhammi, I., & Haq, R. (2018). How to write systematic review or meta-analysis. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics, 52(6), 575-577. 

Source: Bettany-Saltikov, J., & Fernandes, T. (2010). Learning how to undertake a systematic review: part 1. Nursing Standard (through 2013), 24(50), 47-55; quiz 56.

Bettany-Saltikov, J. (2010). Learning how to undertake a systematic review: part 2. Nursing Standard (through 2013), 24(51), 47-56; quiz 58, 60.

Multimedia Resources

A video explaining systematic reviews and their general uses, as well as guidance on how to read them. (Source: )

A video detailing the steps of creating a systematic review and the different parts of the process. (Source: )