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Elementary Education Grades 4-8

This guide offers a variety of research resources tailored to elementary education, focusing on the developmental stages from Grades 4-8.

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Find Books in Other Libraries

Have you searched WorldCat Discovery, and find you need more books on your topic?  Access other library catalogs through the links below.  If you identify books that look interesting, either request them by interlibrary loan or borrow them in person from other New Jersey academic libraries.

Request Books from Other Libraries through Interlibrary Loan

Books or journal articles not owned by the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons may be requested from other libraries through interlibrary loan. Patrons will be notified by e-mail when books are ready to be picked up at the Circulation Desk. Books will be due back to the Learning Commons by the specified due date. Copies of articles and book chapters will be emailed to the patron. Select the appropriate form from the page linked below, then complete and submit the form online.

Borrow Books in Person from Other New Jersey Academic Libraries

Click the link below for information about the program, access to the application form, and links to the VALE member library catalogs.