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Pre-columbian art, architecture, and history

Links and resources for research on pre-columbian art and architecture; art history, anthropology, and other disciplinary approaches

Search Resources

Type your search terms into the "search resources" box on the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons home page to access WorldCat Discovery. WorldCat Discovery is the gateway to the print library books, e-books, government documents, videos, and even some articles. Although Kean's holdings will come up first in the search, you will also learn about library holdings worldwide. 

In order to check out print books from the Main Collection, please bring your Kean Photo ID to the Circulation Desk. 

Search the E-Book Databases

While e-books are accessible through WorldCat Discovery, another option is to search directly in the e-book databases listed below. 

Working from off campus? If so, you will need to log in with your Kean Google username and password.