Features an online GIS mapping tool that allows users to create interactive maps and plot data by geographical location. Data indicators provided include demographics, education, income, housing, employment, health, crime, and much more.
Provides easy access to maps and reports of U.S. Census data from 1790 to the present; the Religious Congregations and Membership Study from 1980 to 2010; population, health and social care, and labor market data from the 2011 United Kingdom Census; U.S. crime data from the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI); U.S. County Health Rankings & Roadmaps; European demographic data from Eurostat; population data from the 2011 Canadian census; and demographic and socioeconomic data from World Development Indicators (World Bank).
Presents data as infographics and features reports on over 80,000 topics, including media, business, healthcare, politics, society, technology, and education.