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Anti-Racism and Racial Justice Resources

This guide provides a basic introduction to anti-racism and racial justice resources.


This guide provides a preliminary list of anti-racism and racial justice resources available through the Nancy Thompson Learning Commons. Most of the resources on this guide are electronic and require the use of the Kean Google username and password for off-campus access.

Nancy Thompson Learning Commons -- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Here at the Kean Library, we actively support diversity, equity, and inclusion by acquiring and collecting diverse resources and providing culturally inclusive programming. We also select resources in various formats to support the distinctive learning styles of patrons within the BIPOC community. In addition, our Learning Support Services welcome the entire Kean community and assist through inclusive, equitable, and accessible tutoring, workshopping, and mentoring. We respect and are dedicated to linguistic diversity, cultural pluralism, and racial justice. Our staffing and training practices reflect our commitment to understand and support the changing priorities of the communities we serve.

Kean University Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Race: The Power of An Illusion

"The division of the world’s peoples into distinct groups labeled by colors has become so widely accepted that many would dismiss as farfetched any suggestion of its falsity. Yet geneticists have discovered that 85% of all genetic variants can be found within any local population, regardless of whether it’s a population of Poles, Hmong, or Fulani. This three-part series debunks the misconception that 'race' is a physiologically accurate way to categorize human beings, looking through the lenses of science, history, and social institutions at how and why the myth developed." 3-part series, 56 minutes each.

Cheng, J. Smith, L. Herbes-Sommers, C. Adelman, L. Strain, T. (Director). (2003). Race - The Power of an Illusion [Video file]. California Newsreel. Retrieved July 27, 2022, from Kanopy.

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